Rugby Union: An Overview
Rugby Union, also known simply by its popular name, rugby, is a contact team sport originating in England during the early half of the nineteenth century. One of two major codes of rugby, it is primarily based around running with the ball on the ground. The object of rugby union is for two teams to engage in a match with a specified goal in mind, such as getting the ball into the end line or scoring a try. Because of this focus on an eventual outcome, it can be considered one of the harder sports to master, but with proper training and determination, the sport can be played by almost anyone.
There are several types of rugby union that players and teams may choose to play; the three primary variations are English, Welsh and Scottish. In addition, there are further smaller variations including Australian, New Zealand and Canadian Rugby. Most clubs in the United Kingdom have been actively involved in some form of rugby union for many years, while some international clubs have only recently begun to play the sport. Most of these clubs specialize in a specific style of rugby union, and the skill level required to play varies depending on which variation of the game is being played. Some clubs have both men’s and women’s teams.
Aside from the standard game plan of mauling, scrumming, hooking, blocking and tackling, rugby union is also known for creating unique rugby plays that test an opponent’s abilities to adapt and adjust. A classic example is the forward pass where two forward passes are executed by the defense and forwards then chase the ball with their hands to try and catch it. Other variations of the forward pass include trying to intercept the ball and catching it behind the back or even trying to hit the ball with a tackle. Other than the standard forwards passing, some teams make use of scrumming, a common tactic used to confuse the offense and defence. This tactic is also used in the defensive setup where the maulers attempt to clear the ball by making the other team bite into the scrum.